Interim reports

Education Learning Log


Lots going on just now. I’m currently doing quite a bit re ICT at the moment. Within our service there is a glow team who develop that side of ICT while I work on strategic ICT developments with the IT business team etc. We have a lot of really interesting developments in the pipeline not least the development of an Early Years ICT Strategy – I’m particularly keen to see this through. Our starting point has been an audit of just what equipment is in place in our various classes and standalones, we currently have a kit from RM out being piloted on a rotation as well. Our big step last week was to get the ball rolling with a group writing up a strategy which will be the start of moving this forward. Exciting things to follow.

Also pinning down materials for pupils, teachers and parents on responsible use of internet, which we will be launching soon.

Hoping to visit Aberdeen’s H2L2 room to see how we could possiblythink about taking forward a demonstration/learning facility similar to this in SLC in future.

We’ve been thinking a lot about the new trenche of primary new builds too in terms of ICT provision, so it was good to have Ollie Bray along recently to add his thoughts on this. Great to see our school modernisation programme moving full steam ahead in SLC. Working with the school modernisation team really is one of the joys of my job.

The other developments I’m involved in at the moment include Teaching Learning communities, teaching for understanding etc and I’m looking forward to a conference (EDU_Real_Learning_Invite) we’ve been organising. Not many places remain so if interested, people need to apply soon.

In terms of RME, which I have picked up the remit for we are currently developing professional networks which we hope will be led by practitioners, taking a much less centrally directed format in future.

The biggie at the moment for me however is my primary staffing remit, new ways of collating this from now as schools enrol pupils will make my life easier! Really delighted we now have P1 sizes of 25 in legislation. A staffing group will be working  this month to look at some of the changes being introduced by the government this session. The thing I enjoy about this particularly is that this part of my work lets me really get in amongst the cogs of the machinery – you see the big picture of how things work within such a big organisation.

Interested in the curriculumshare development in relation to Journey to Excellence with a way now available for schools to upload three minute reflective videos, which share good practice. Available on glow also facebook, twitter and youtube.

Hallside Primary School, which I’m quality link officer for, have recently had their HMIe report published and its a super report which reflects the work going on in this large, busy school. The headteacher here is a great role model who really understands collegiate working and develops leadership at every level.

In terms of reflection, I’ve been spending a lot less time talking at meetings! I had one of those revelation moments the other day when all the things I’ve been involved in recently suddenly brought me up short. I realised how much I had learned lately, and that the learning is changing my way of working. Sometimes my job is so pacey I miss what I’m learning! I had a bit of a moment where I realised I’m sitting back more at meetings and discussions, and instead of having to stop myself talking I’m now doing that (a bit) more naturally. That’s a big step for me! Despite doing a lot of coaching work I still often want to tell rather work with others to get their solutions and ideas. Listening and watching is becoming something I’m increasingly enjoying – you see how other people’s thought processes work, how people are developing etc. Must be my age…



January 15, 2011 - Posted by | education |

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